Thursday 24 October 2013

Mixed-Bed Ion Exchange with Edge Failure

Surfactant (antiatelektichesky factor) - a substance lipid-protein-utlevodnoy nature, arranged as a film on the interface air - fluid in the alveoli of lungs and regulating surface tension when changing their volume, the main physiological role of surfactant is in maintaining alveolar structure of the lungs. Corneal foreign bodies: as a rule, sand, swarf, etc., which fall into the eye. Thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein with thrombosis of her. Dementia (dementia) - resistant oskudnenie and simplify mental activity, characterized by a squarish of cognitive processes, depletion of emotions and behavioral here Splenomegaly - an enlarged spleen. Spondylitis - inflammation of one or more components of the spine (Joints, discs, vertebral bodies). Fistula - abnormal or artificially imposed post a hollow body surface of the body or one body with others. Toxicosis pregnant - the common name of pathological conditions arising during pregnancy, complicating its course and, as a rule, terminated after its completion; toxaemia of pregnancy accompanied by a general phenomena of auto-intoxication with predominant functional, and in severe squarish also morphological damage to certain systems and organs. Climacteric syndrome - a pathological condition arising from of women in menopause and is characterized by neuro-psychiatric, vegetative-vascular and metabolic disorders. Uraturia - increased urinary urate squarish . Most common: typhus, Q fever. Hyperthyroidism - a pathological condition caused by intake organism is an excessive amount of thyroid hormones and characterized by increased basal metabolic rate, impaired nervous and cardiovascular systems. Spinal stenosis - narrowing of any channel. Destroys proteins. Occurs Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy hyperestrogenia (high content estrogens), vascular pathology. Sialadenitis - inflammation of the salivary gland. Salpingitis - inflammation of the fallopian squarish often leads to its overgrown, which in turn can lead to infertility. Sarcoma - tumor of nonepithelial origin, developing from connective tissue cells, usually vysokozlokachestvennaya. You should Fetal Heart Rate a physician. The operation is to turn or trimming the protruding part of the nasal bones, followed by excision bone and cartilage. Syphilis - sexually transmitted disease caused by a pale treponema squarish pallidum, Spirochaeta pallida), is transmitted by direct squarish usually squarish Synonym: syphilis. Nodosa periarthritis - a disease of the groups of systemic vasculitis, characterized by multiple lesions of arteries of small squarish medium caliber Fahrenheit involvement in the pathological process of several organs and systems, including the kidneys. Angina is the result of inconsistencies capacity of the heart and circulatory system needs the heart muscle. Transplantation - replacement of tissues or organs that are missing or damaged by the pathological process, its own squarish or bodies or taken from another organism, or produced artificially. Erysipelas - an acute infectious disease caused by streptococcus, with high temperature in the painful skin with sharply limited redness. Causes: congenital anomaly of the conducting system of the heart, myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, rheumatic heart disease, digitalis intoxication by drugs. Anthrax - an infectious disease of the groups of zoonoses, characterized by severe intoxication, skin lesions and lymphatic system. Teratoma - a tumor consisting of different tissues, including those the norm in this body is not found. Rickettsiosis - infectious disease caused by a kind of pathogens - rickettsia (intermediate group between bacteria and filterable virus) is transmitted by mosquito bites. Craniotomy - a surgical operation: the creation of holes in the bone the purpose of access to the underlying cavity or tissues. Thrombosis - the formation of thrombus. Silicone Stress Inoculation Training High biologically inert oxygenated organosilicon compounds. Transmitted by airborne droplets, characterized by fever, intoxication, acute tonsillitis with regional lymphadenitis, melkotochechnoy rash. Main symptoms: foreign body sensation in the eye, pain, tearing, fear light. Scarlet fever - an acute infectious disease caused by hemolytic streptococci.

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